Change and unbecoming
A Client told me after our last session: “You’ve changed. It’s like you got more power and I could feel the difference in the massage”. Another said: “I have never received lomi like this”.
A Client told me after our last session: “You’ve changed. It’s like you got more power and I could feel the difference in the massage”. Another said: “I have never received lomi like this”.
Four levels, layers, elements in life and in massage. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. None of them more important than the other, all of them intertwined and connected. This topic of layers, levels, elements, components originally started as a purely “massage” topic. Talking about four elements of massage was my way of explaining lomi lomi …
8. Layers of reality and layers of lomi lomi | PODCAST Read More »
Today is my 5th birthday. Yes, you read me right. Exactly 5 years ago today, I gave my first lomi lomi massage. I touched a person for the first time like this. It was the first day of my first lomi training and on that day… everything changed. I mean it – something in my heart, …
When I started giving massages 3 years ago, one thing was clear to me: I wanted each massage to be a unique experience, a beautiful meeting that we would remember for a long time. I didn’t want just hello, undress and lie down here, then I would press, knead, pull and stretch, you get dressed, …
Aloha! I like staying in touch with my massage clients, asking them how they felt after the session, listening to what changed in their lives thanks to massage, regardless of if it was just one session of if we meet regularly. Some time ago my client wrote me that after massage she finally had made …
Massage for decision making – how can massage help you make decisions? Read More »
Some people believe that a good massage has to be painful. Some people would think like this: “I went for a massage and it hurt, so it must have been good and deep”. Some people would say – no pain, no gain. Some people would think that it’s normal to have bruises after massage. When you have tensions, massage hurts, full stop.
Aloha! What do you imagine when you hear “massage training”? Some people think about hours of anatomy class and theory, others see hours of massaging one another. I really didn’t know what to expect when I was starting my first lomi lomi training one winter morning, January 2017. Now, 9 trainings later, both learning and teaching, …
April 2017. I am on my lomi lomi practitioner training with kumu Susan Floyd. Last day of the course is so called “temple day” where we give and get full 4-hand lomi lomi sessions. I receive as first and it turns out to be one of the most transformational moments of my life. I cry …
Do you hear voices during massage? No worries, you are not crazy Read More »
Who is touching and who is being touched here? Am I massaging you Or are you Massaging Me? – Magdalena
Many people come to me with physical pain, usually upper/lower back. Before I start massaging, we talk – I ask about their overall physical condition, recent operations, injuries, diagnosis. Sometimes there is a clear diagnosis that – at least according to medical standards of western world – helps to explain this pain: spinal degeneration, trapped …