In Iceland

Lomi Lomi individual 2-part course


Transform your life and the lives of others.

Immerse yourself in a practice that is healing on all levels

If you read this, then maybe deep within you lies something what I call the lomi lomi seed. It is a calling to learn lomi lomi work. 

This calling can’t be easily ignored. I know it, because I heard it years ago myself. I know this calling, because I see the lomi seed in my Students who come to me and tell me: I need to learn this. I don’t know why, how or what for, but I can’t stop thinking about it. 

You might not know it yet, but I know: you want to learn this practice, because it is already in you. Because the world needs you and your gifts right now. Because this healing art is more than just a massage – it is a way of life, way of sharing your heart, way of healing yourself, others and the whole World. That’s what I believe in. 

Please, understand: this is more than a massage training, because lomi lomi is more than a massage

It is often said that lomi lomi is “more than a massage” – and I agree with this wholeheartedly. And because it is more than a massage, the lomi course is also more than just a massage course.

The training that I offer might look like learning how to massage – but in fact, it is not, or at least – not only.

 Lomi lomi is a practice of shifting your awareness and changing the way you see, feel and understand yourself, other people and the world as such. It is about inviting more life and deep peace into physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of you. And then, from that place, sharing it with others in a form of massage and bodywork.

During Lomi Fundamentals I introduce you to lomi lomi nui from the lineage of kahu Abraham Kawaii (this lomi is also known as the temple style / temple lomi / kahuna bodywork). I teach this work through various body-awareness practices and techniques involving breathwork, bodywork, massage and elements of dance.


I invite you for lomi lomi traning, if:

  • you are ready for a transformation – letting go of who you think you are and stepping into the Unknown
  • you want to learn the work that is holistic, therapeutic, full of respect, awareness and love
  • you want to practice lomi as a massage AND a path of self-discovery – that is, the practice of experiencing yourself and the world through touch
  • you prefer to learn individually, at your own pace, through observation and practice, with full support of the teacher at every moment of the course
  • you want to get to know and feel yourself better, connect with your body, breath, heart and intuition, experience more power, joy, truth and fulfillment in life
  • you want, in addition to lomi itself, to also learn Hawaiian stories and songs, movement meditation, Hawaiian philosophy and history
  • you dream of having a course in Iceland, surrounded by heart-opening nature
  • you want to choose a course date that is convenient for you
For beginners:

Lomi Fundamentals - individual course in lomi lomi as a massage and a path to self

In Lomi Fundamentals I teach the foundation of lomi lomi. I invite you to this course if you are a total beginner, but also if you are already a practitioner and want to do a full lomi course under my guidance.

Lomi Fundamentals takes part in 2 modules. 

In module 1 you will learn:

  • the basic lomi stroke, i.e. the main technique of the back and front massage
  •  opening and closing the session
  • the practice of ka’alele’au, or flying – a type of movement meditation that we use while moving around the massage table
  • deep and rhythmical lomi breathing
  • Hawaiian stories, elements of Hawaiian philosophy and history
  • developing and using your intuition and inner feeling
  • working with mana, i.e. your own life energy – in connection with your body, thoughts and emotions, in deep presence and contact with all that is

Module 2:

  • Based on your experience from module 1, you will learn advanced techniques and ways of releasing tensions and traumas from bones and joints: rotations and other deep work techniques for “setting” joints and bones,


Module 1: 250.000 isk for 6 days / 5 nights (of which 4 are training days and 2 are arrival/departure days)

Module 2: 250.000 isk for 6 days / 5 nights (of which 4 are training days and 2 are arrival/departure days)

Module 1+2 together (continuous learning): 450.000 isk for 10 days / 9 nights (of which 8 are training days and 2 are arrival/departure days)

For my students who completed 2-part Lomi Fundamentals:

Infividual further training - deepening your practice and connection with lomi

Zapraszam Cię na to szkolenie, jeśli masz za sobą przynajmniej jeden kurs lomi (ze mną lub innym nauczycielem). 

Doszkalanie i pogłębianie jest w szczególności dla Ciebie, jeśli:

  • Jesteś po kursie, ale nie praktykujesz, bo nie czujesz sie gotowa / gotowy, masz obawy, wątpliwości, pytania
  • Gdy robisz lomi, czujesz ból lub niewygodę i chcesz wiedzieć jak lepiej dbać o swoje ciało podczas praktyki
  • Szukasz wskazówek na temat określonych technik i elementów sesji, na przykład ruchu podstawowego lub rotacji, otwarcia i zamknięcia sesji, płynności masażu, kroków wokół stołu
  • Czujesz, że Twoje lomi „utknęło”, potrzebujesz inspiracji, chcesz zakochać się w lomi na nowo 


1500 zł za każdy pełny dzień szkoleniowy + 500 zł za dzień przyjazdu i wyjazdu. 

W cenie są noclegi w moim domu oraz wspólnie przygotowywane posiłki. 

Możesz przedłużyć swój pobyt o dodatkowe dwa dni, dając sobie czas na inetgrację Twojego doświadczenia i nasze wspólne podróżowanie. Przedłużenie pobytu to 700 zł za dzień.

Frequently asked questions

Yes! Most of my students have none or very little massage experience when they start this training. I myself signed up for my first lomi training without even receiving lomi before. 

Yes! First lomi training is just a beginning and most practitioners take more trainings. Lomi lomi is a path for life and there is always something to learn. I myself took part in over 10 trainings with 5 different teachers from different lomi lomi lineages. If you already completed any level of lomi training, I still invite you to my training – you will have a chance to deepen your practice and learn something new.

Health issues and how they affect your learning is very individual, however I strongly believe that this training can be for you – and because it is private training, we can focus on improving your health while you learn lomi.  One of my students, a professional driver, was struggling with back pain during the training. We worked on that and now she lives without pain. Another student came to me few years after a serious car accident that severely damaged his hip, knee and shin. He finished the training feeling the best mobility in years and a month later he started his massage practice. My other student was suffering from chronic back pain for ages. After the training he lives without pain.

However, every story is different, so if you will send me a message I will try to help you decide if this training will be good for you and your health.

Yes. In that case, I will have a special price for both of you.

Yes, you will receive a certificate after completing module 1 and 2.

Yes. Send me a message to and I will offer you a payment plan.

Yes, it is possible – you can contact your Union or Vinnumálastofnun for more information. Some of my Students have successfully received full or partial return for this training.

If you are interested in learning lomi lomi with me, send me a message to hello[at]

If you have further questions or would like to take the course

contact me at

What my Students say:

Áslaug Emma Magnússon

My lomi lomi training with Magdalena was the best gift to myself that I ever have received. It took me not long to decide that I wanted to do the training with her, as I knew how special lomi lomi massage is. I had received several massages from Magdalena before and I have had most beautiful experiences with it. Since I am able to massage others I got to know the side of the massage giver which is is a deeply transforming experience. I have given massages to numerous friends and family members, and with each one it was different – but always amazing. After each massage I feel elevated and nourished – grateful for the gift of being able to give relaxing pleasure and healing touch. The training days where well structured and the lectures easy to comprehend. Magdalena is a very good teacher, with a genuine and warm approach towards her students. I had a lot of fun while learning with her, while the training itself felt like a healing transformation. I am so thankful for all the beauty and wisdom she is sharing. And I am grateful for the gift of lomi lomi. It feels to me like I could do it for a lifetime!!!

Emma Nui – Lomi Lomi Massage

Mosfellsbær, Iceland
tel. 852 0755

Chase Steffens

My week of training with Magdalena was nothing short of magical. I immediately felt as though I was in the right place doing the right thing. It is a special experience to find yourself so immersed in caring for others. Likewise, it is clear that Magdalena gives her full self when teaching. I felt immediately comfortable with her as I must say that she is the embodiment of aloha. Her love for the craft is infectious, she is attentive and always encouraging and she has had my back and those of her other students ever since. The Facebook group—and the ohana—that I have become a part of since completing the course has been very helpful and supportive, especially the monthly Q&A livestream sessions which Magdalena so graciously offers to all of her students that have completed the course. If you feel drawn to the course and to caring for others I recommend that you do yourself a favor and reach out to Magdalena. I spoke with her before registering and she was happy to speak with me and answer all of my questions. 

One Island Massage

Reykjavik, Iceland
tel. 852 3640

Agata Jabłońska

I had an honor to be Magdalena’s first ever student. And it happened at the time when she didn’t even know she was a teacher yet. And boy, what an amazing teacher she was! Having recieved many massages from her, with no doubt the best massages I have ever got in my life (and I’ve got many) when the calling came to me I knew that I want to learn from her. I only wanted to do an informal learning, I asked very humbly if she could share some of her knowledge with me, not really counting on having it happen. But Magdalena has offered a full course which gave me tools to perform beautiful, full on Lomi Lomi Nui work. I couln’t be more greatful for it, first of all Lomi Lomi Nui being a magical practice and than having someone so good and natural at what she’s doing was more I could ever ask for. Magdalena was born to massage and her sharing her skill with the world is a true blessing. Thank you for everything!


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605 580 525

Ásgeir Baldursson

The 5-day course exceeded my expectations by miles. It was hands on from day one, and with Magdalena‘s teaching in words and by example I learned the basics step by step. Each day was full of things to learn: meditation, breathing, self-massage, hula dancing and hands on practise of relatively simple techniques and series of strokes. The following day built on the knowledge gained and and continued the transformative journey of Lomi Lomi. Magdalena is an amazing teacher, cheering you on, building your confidence and steering you straight. After just five days I had given five massages to positive feedback from all the recipients. I took the decision to invite my family, which was a great decision since I got to learn the art of lomi on the very people I could start practising my art on. I feel more whole as a human being and more Pono (right) in my life, more balanced. To my wonderment I can now massage my ailing wheeelchairbound mother to ease her pain and relieve tensions in her paralyzed limbs. In these five days I feel that I learned more than in a whole semester in most other courses I have taken.  My life is truly enriched. I feel blessed to have taken this course.

Mahalo Massage Therapy

Reykjavik, Iceland

Heather Loweena Egan

The Lomi Lomi massage training that Magdalena offers is unique because Magdalena if one of a kind. From first enquiry all the way through and even after ‘graduation’ I felt held, understood, supported. She facilitated a space which allows us to remember what we intuitively already know, thus bringing us back in touch with ourselves. I was nervous and unsure if this was for me but my curiosity got the better of me and I was not disappointed. I now feel like I have this magic that I can share with anyone open and willing to experience it! Magdalena shows the techniques, explains it clearly and is encouraging to ‘get stuck in’ from the get go. In addition to this, Magdalena has created an online community for her students – a space to connect, share and encourage peer support. The phrase ‘you can’t poor from an empty cup’ was mentioned which I’d heard so many times before but this time on training it hit differently. It clicked. I understood what it trueley means. As someone who has often put others needs before mine it was the wake-up call I needed to prioritise myself, connect with myself, through self massage – feel into myself, my body and how each of these things not only improve my overall wellbeing but they will improve the lomi experience for clients – which is out of this world!

Mahalo Massage Therapy

Reykjavik, Iceland