I invite you for a 10-minute talk about ho’oponopono – Hawaiian practice of making things right. I’m also sharing with you my favorite, classic Hawaiian parable – The Bowl of Light. Let me know it the comments – what are your insights and inspirations from that story? What is the action you will take today?
And here’s the story as told in “Tales from the Night Rainbow”
Each child born has at birth, a Bowl of perfect Light. If he tends his Light it will grow in strength and he can do all things – swim with the shark, fly with the birds,know and understand all things. If, however, he becomes envious or jealous, he drops a stone into his Bowl of Light and some of the Light goes out. Light and the stone cannot hold the same space. If he continues to put stones in the Bowl of Light, the Light will go out and he will become a stone. A stone does not grow,nor does it move. If at any time he tires of being a stone, all he needs to do is turn the bowl upside down and the stones will fall away and the Light will grow once more
With love,Magdalena PS – please share this story with everybody who might need it right now!