Mini solo reTREAT in Arnarstapi

24 hours of bliss, rest and re-connection

I would like to invite you to a 24-hour mini solo retreat in my cozy home in Arnarstapi. My intention is to create a space for your total relaxation, deep rest, transformation, release, change, new experiences and meaningful connection.

Included in your retreat is: one night in my house, lomi lomi session, 3 meals + snacks, cacao, time in nature, guided meditations and deep, meaningful time with me and with nature.

This is how it may look like:

  • You arrive to Arnarstapi some time around noon / early afternoon, with plenty of time for landing, relaxing, unwinding. You will get your own separate room in my house.
  • We might start with a walk in nature, or just have a cup of tea and talk, setting up your intentions for the retreat.
  • Then, I will prepare the space for your lomi lomi session and we would allow the magic to happen for some indefinite period of time (I don’t have any clock in my house).
  • After the session, you will have time to integrate it in your own way – resting, going to nature, taking a nap, creating art.
  • Later we will prepare some delicious food together. I cook vegetarian food, but if you have specific preferences (vegan, gluten free, lactose free), I will adjust to that.
  • The evening will be for some integration, meditation and relaxation, talking or silence. 
  • Next day, we will start the morning slowly and gently – with some embodiment practices, gentle movement, self-massage, meditation and a cup of cacao, if you want.
  • Later we can go for a longer walk – I would love to take you to my favorite beach in Hellnar, where we could balance some stones!
  • After the lunch, there will be time for summaries and goodbyes.

69.000 isk for one person
99.000 isk for a couple

Welcome to my home

The reason I am calling this lomi lomi home edition is because I literally invite you to spend time with me in my home. I don’t live in a fancy retreat center, but in a tiny wooden cabin – and I invite you to experience a simple, slow life with me. Without phones, without music, without distractions. With a fire crackling in the stove (in winter), with tea always ready in the teapot and a lot of cozy blankets everywhere 🙂

To book your reTREAT, please send a message to and we will find a perfect time for you (there might be 1-2 months waiting list).


I am trying to put in words the most wonderful experience I ever had when I visited Magdalena for her Home edition of lomi lomi at Arnarstapi, by the magnificent glacier, Snæfellsjökull. It was a beautiful combination of enjoying the nature, walks, balancing stones, cozy sunset and sunrise, talking, quality quiet moments, cooking delicious dinner and dessert. Of course there was a cacao and the most amazing lomi lomi ever in the afternoon twilight with fire crackling from the fireplace, it was beyond. 

Dear Magdalena! thank you so much for your love, kindness and hospitality, thank you for you ❤️ I still have a huge smile on my face 😊 and I really had this great return to love ✨

Hrafn Árnason
