What is special about you?

Aloha, Beautiful Human!

I signed up for a 3-month coaching program. Normally I am this let-me-figure-it-out-all-by-myself kind of person and, also, don’t-tell-me-what-to-do-I-am-smarter-than-you kind of person, but last months have been so… rough and revolutionary for me that I feel I need help with revising basics of my life: my values, needs, dreams, plans and directions… and I really, really don’t want to do it alone (isn’t it a sign of maturity when you realize that you don’t need to fight every battle alone?). Hence the idea of something called Transformational Coaching.

So, I am staring next week and my coach sent me a spreadsheet to fill out and send back to him if I want to. Some questions were easy (“If there was a secret ambition in your life, what would it be?” and my immediate answer: to be UNFORGETTABLE), others took some more time and thinking.

And there was this one question that stopped me for many days. I couldn’t find the answer that would feel right.

The question is:

what is special about you?

Before that one, there was another question about my 5 talents, so I already wrote about massage, intuition, being good at teaching and other things, of which the most important to me is: I can make people feel good in my presence. I know how to make them feel seen, heard, understood, appreciated, respected and truly welcomed. I see it as a talent (by the way, a talent that can be developed, so I created this masterclass).

But what is special about me?

Somehow I got angry at this question. What a stupid question! Aren’t we all special? Isn’t everybody unique? But if so, what makes us unique? What makes me special?

My first thought was to ask my family and friends, or even my Clients, students and you, subscriber of this Newsletter: “Hey, what do you think is special about me?”

But I’m not going to do this now. First I give myself time to find the answer within.

I put my hand on the heart, allow myself to completely relax and do my best to ignore the inner critic telling me “don’t exalt yourself, don’t glorify yourself, there is nothing special about you”. And the more I meditate on this question, the more surprising, opening, freeing, clarifying answers come.

Now, I want to ask you: what is special about YOU? No, don’t ignore this question, don’t close this post, don’t run away! Take this question with you into your day. It is my gift to you. Let it sink in.

What is special about you?

Let the answers come. But don’t let people tell you the answers, not yet. First, find your own. Ask yourself. Be brave. Be vulnerable. Be proud. Be confused. Be with it. Look deep.

I am not going to share my answers with you yet, to avoid suggesting you anything. Go ahead, explore yourself! But you know what? When you find your answer from the heart, you can share it with me if you like. Tell me what is so special about YOU, Beautiful, Special Human in the comment section, if you only want to. I would be honored to read your answer.


Thank you for you!

With love and care,


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