You can be free now or never. I heard this sentence from one of my teachers and I remind myself many times a day: now or never. Because now is all that is.
I can be alive now or never.
Because I only have this moment, and the quality of this moment is the quality of my life.
No more waiting
I don’t know about you, but sometimes all I do is waiting. Waiting for better time. More money. Another trip. Different apartment. Waiting for this day to end because tomorrow things may be better. Oh yes, especially this last one, because I have been going through a depressive episode, so days have been… far from ideal.
When dark thoughts are spinning in my head, I feel that things will never be okay again.
But when I just shrink my world to this moment, THIS breath, THIS touch, THIS step, THIS smile… I feel alive and I feel blessed. I simply am, without any story. Sometimes better, sometimes worse, but I feel alive. Free from the cage of inner critic, judgment, doubt.
So these days, I go radical. Now or never, Magdalena. Don’t wait for anything, because you only have now. And NOW is such a gift that you really don’t want to miss it.
I take a breath. And another.
Every breath, a prayer. Every breath, slowing down time until all that is, is – NOW.
I took this photo right after a session of lomi lomi with cacao. I really love these massage & cacao sessions – I am beyond grateful that I can drink ceremonial cacao with you and then massage you.