
Intuition / Intuicja / Innsæi

It would be good if you learned lomi lomi nui  – I heard a voice in my head 5 years ago.


It would be good.
Not – you have to.
Not – you should.
Not – do it, or…


It would be good.


This soft, loving voice knew me very well. She knew that if she had said: you have to! – I would have resisted, or got scared, or resentful.


Yes, it would be good indeed – I said to myself that afternoon. In January the following year I took my first lomi lomi training.


Since that time, I pay even more attention to HOW I talk to myself. Every: you have to! You must! You should! Do it now or something horrible will happen! – turn on a red light in my head.


Careful, Magdalena! You should? You have to? Who says it? Who is blackmailing you? What part of you is it and what it wants? Why is it scared?


Sometimes people ask me how to tell a difference between intuition and ego. To me – exactly like that. My intuition doesn’t  tell me: you must, you should, you have to. Instead, it is this curious, loving, wise, patient voice. Sometimes she is very loud, but she’s never scaring, shaming or blackmailing me.


Loving voice within. Suggesting, not demanding. What is it telling you now?

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